Saturday, April 4, 2015

good morning Heavenly Father, it's me sarah...

good morning heavenly Father! it's me sarah, first let me say how greatful i am for my life! i have been so very blessed every minute! i really wanna say thank you so much for this beautiful classroom you made for me to come and learn my lessons! everything is so beautiful and amazing! the blue skies, the air is so perfect! the great oceans, the water is so clear and cleansing! the land is so abundant with every growing thing! the green trees! Father i love green the best! thx for making so much of it! the animals are stunning! the reptiles are shocking! the birds, oh my heart! i love them so much i want to fly too! and the puppies! nice work Father so much love squeezed in to so tiny and fluffy, there could never be enuf! and the food, thank you so much for so many things to nourish me! ok i must say popcorn! really?! pure magic! why are you so amazing and magical and fabulous in every way?! my poor wittle brain can't conceive!
Father i really want to thank you for all the teachers you put in my path! so many teachers prepared ahead of time by generations of repeated choices to teach me every lesson of how to love and how to hate, of how to share and how to be greedy, how to embrace abundance and how to live in lack. Father i wanna thank you for allowing me to learn compassion thru my suffering! (pls forgive me for being such a noisy suffer!) and for allowing me to learn how to choose faith over fear. Father i really just wanna thank you and thank you and thank you every minute but i know i could never thank you enuf and you know how i go on and on so ima just move forward with what i know i must tell the truth about...
Father during the past 18 months whilst i have been on my reconnaissance mission to scout out the situation here on earth my heart has been broken inside my chest over and over again! i know i have cried and complained and prayed to be set free of the pain and i want to ask you to forgive me for being such a pathetic incompetent servant instead of the warrior princess that we had hoped! but i have done it, and i have come full circle back to where i started from. i have gathered all the information we were seeking and i can tell you everything is ready! the illusion of division and separation could not be more complete! the gap  between the haves and the haves not is so huge no human can even see across much less bridge across!
Father, first may i  tell you about your children who have chosen to experience lack... Father, pls bless me with the strength put into words what i have seen and felt... your children are being called drug addict, alcoholic, whore, slut,  nigger, pecker wood, dead beat, loser and worse! And believe me when i say the worst part is they believe it! they actually believe they disserve to suffer! they believe they disserve to have no home and no family, they get in groups and call themselves these horrible things! they struggle to understand and nothing is ever clear and they just find more ways to hurt themselves! Father,  they have broken my heart completely and yet they have been the ones to give me hope! i love them in the way they support one another in their inability to understand and i love them for how they share the little they have when they have it! until they can take no more they go off to suffer alone! Father they sleep in the woods alone and cold! they wander the city streets and sleep in alleys and dumpsters and worse! they lay down in the desert blistered from the heat because they are cast out and judged and they believe they disserve it! they do not cry out to you Father because they do not know how! they do not believe themselves worthy, they do not understand love because they have never been shown...
Father may i tell you about your children who have chosen to experience abundance... Father the greed is so binding it constricts my heart to look at it... i forget how to breathe! bless me Father, help me remember you are my breath! in and out, and in and out... thank you the spinning has stopped momentarily... Father they live in these ridiculous huge houses with more food than they need and more clothes than they could ever wear! they believe money is real and they don't know it is their blessing to share! they believe they disserve what they have and they have gained it from their own power! they judge and they hate those without! they also gather together in groups where they call themselves worthy and believe themselves better than their neighbors! Father! i can't think of it any more! the heart break is too much!
Heavenly Father, you know i can't begin to list all the injustice here, it is too overwhelming for my wittle brain to comprehend! i know you are great Father and you see all things! i know you have all these things written down in your book, even the actions of the ones who have tried to take their names out of the book! you see the pain caused by the ones who claim to love you.  i can't stop being aware of all the suffering and pain and i can do nothing but cry and try to tell the ones who cry with me that it is your plan and you are in control of it all! but Father, like my brother rick at the bus stop, covered on open sores with his feet in too much pain to walk, rick who took my hands in his and looked me in the eyes and told me "i had an encounter with Jesus Christ!" and i said "of course you did! tell me about it instantly!" and he tells me his story and i believe... and i believe him when he tells me that my Lord told him "if you believe in Me you shall never die!" but like rick said to me, Father i ask now "Lord where are you? we can't go on like this! i can't go out like this... you promised!"
now Father i wanna talk to you about your best boy Jesus! i am aware that there has been talk here about "what makes Him the greatest?!" and i know as a parent, i tried not to pick a favorite but i also know as a parent when you see the brightest light on the tree you know it! and Father i see you're right! Jesus Christ is the brightest light! He is the light of all the world!
Father i do not know how to fix all these horrible things that I have seen and felt but Father I see now I do not have to know because i believe Your Son Jesus Christ does! i believe He is the man with a plan to make it right! And Father i see now your Son is so amazing as the Son of God, He not only made the plan... and instead of just shouting it out over the loud speaker for us to follow... He came down here into the darkness with us, away from you and showed us the way! i understand that He died for us, and as much as it breaks my heart every minute to be without Him, yes he is not here, He is Risen. That Father is what i want to talk to you about... I understand that in all the scriptures written by men it says that no man knows when he is to return...
Heavenly Father, as your daughter, as the skinny brown sticking up hair retarded constantly messing up daughter that you made me... may i please humbly say... now is the time. Father we can not go on like this, and it is not just the countless people and all your beautiful plants and animals, but the planet itself! Your beautiful planet! the one you made for us to come and learn... She can't take it anymore! They call it the world of men! as if it is theirs to do with as they will! and they have Father, they burn down Her forests, pollute Her oceans... the filth, the destruction, the anger, the killing... it is too much to look at! i can't take it! none of us can! Please Father send your Son to make it all new again... Father, humbly i pray for this every minute... Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! please oh please oh please!
as for me Father i am ready to come home! i can do nothing here, i am powerless without you! i am hated and despised and judged and cast out! i have no home and no family and no will of my own to go on! please Father let me be where you are! let me be where i can love and be loved... Humbly i ask these things in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ ... amen

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